Stand Fast in the Faith

The Cathedral Church of Saint George is a house of prayer for all people, and you are always welcome.

Since 1792, this Cathedral has been a spiritual home for the Anglican Diocese of Ontario as well as the greater Kingston community. We seek to serve and love God and our neighbours, and are committed to growing in faithfulness and in responding to God’s call for us as people of faith in our community and beyond. From an intimate service in the chapel, to a grand Choral Eucharist's in the nave, there is something for you here. Join us! 
Join us this Sunday!


Holy Eucharist | 8am

A simple spoken service of Holy Eucharist held in the Lady Chapel. In-person only. An intimate gathering to begin the day.




Choral Eucharist | 10:30am

Join us for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist on The Third Sunday in Lent. The cornerstone of our week, our Sunday Choral Eucharist anchors our worship life and prepares us for the week ahead. All baptized Christians are invited to receive communion. Available both in-person and online. 


The Rev. Dr. Reagan Gale, preacher


Sunday Mornings: What to Expect
Welcome! Bienvenu! Wa'tkwanonhwera:ton!

Whether you are a visitor; a tourist passing through historic downtown Kingston; somebody seeking a spiritual home; or a long time member of the St George’s Cathedral family, I am pleased to welcome you.

We are the Anglican Cathedral for the Diocese of Ontario, which stretches from Trenton to Cardinal; and from Bancroft and Maynooth, through Merrickville, to Kemptville; and including the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory.

The Cathedral is a vibrant, welcoming and inclusive community of people, sharing a passion for inspiring worship and teaching, and committed to serving the needs of our wider community.

With Sunday services ranging from the quiet and contemplative, to the music of the English Choral tradition led by our excellent choir; and from our mid week healing service to our Friday Litany of Reconciliation; there is a place for everyone at the Cathedral. And with our outreach work extending from Refugee support; to our newly planned Under the Dome Cathedral Tea Room; to our partnership with the OSGK feeding programme, founded by the cathedral over thirty years ago - alongside the work of our Projects Group, Visiting and Prayer teams, Flower Guild, Children’s Ministry, and many more - there is a place for everyone to join in.

So please do join us at one of our gatherings; learn more about us through this website; or reach out to us directly with any needs or questions.

We’d love to meet you.

The Very Rev. Douglas Michael | Dean of Ontario

Worship at the Cathedral
Services are public and open to all



  • 8am Said Eucharist | Lady Chapel

  • 10:30am Choral Eucharist | Nave + Online



  • Tuesday (2nd) | 7:00am Caritas Holy Eucharist (next: March 11)

  • Wednesday | 12:15pm Holy Eucharist

  • Wednesday (1st/3rd) | 7pm Choral Evensong (with livestream) (next: March 19)

  • Thursday | 10:30am Holy Eucharist with Healing Prayers

  • Friday | 12pm Coventry Litany of Reconciliation

Lenten Reflections

We are delighted that congregation members have worked together to offer daily Lenten Reflections from Ash Wednesday to Easter once again! These short meditations based upon the appointed scriptures for the day offer some food for thought each day as we journey through lent.

This year, you will be able to recieve them each morning directly to your email inbox. To sign up, scroll down to the 'Sign up for our newsletter' bar and insert your email. Click the 'subscribe' button, then select 'Lenten Reflections' and confirm. You may receive an email asking you to verify that you wish to receive the emails. A print copy folder will also be available, as usual.

Note: only select 'Lenten Reflections.' Selecting 'general' will not impact your status as a subscriber to our weekly newsletter. If you would like to subscribe to receive our weekly newsletter, please contact Ann Wilkinson.

Support the Cathedral

The Cathedral relies on the support of individuals like you. Your generosity sustains our ministries and mission in downtown Kingston and beyond. If able, please consider giving securely online by clicking the button below. Thank you.