There is a Balm in Gilead, to heal the sin-sick soul.
Coming together within the dramatic roller coaster of the triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the silence, solemnity and gathering gloom of Maundy Thursday, the horror of Good Friday and the anticipated joy of Easter; we tell our central story and we join to renew our vows as clergy and set apart the sacred oils that will be used for the next year. From the very center of the commemoration of that which makes us Christian, we will focus particularly on the ministry of healing which is a sacrament of the Church.
You are invited to take the time to enter deeply into the Paschal story as part of your own holy week commemoration. At noon, Tuesday March 26 at the Cathedral, clergy and laity will make new their own commitment to Jesus’ ministry. A soup and hot cross bun lunch will follow in the Great Hall. All are welcome to attend this liturgy - clergy please take note, the colour will be red.