My Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
At the heart of our vision for the Cathedral’s work and ministry in downtown Kingston lie three core values: to be a community of Welcome; to be a place of Inspiration; and to be a people of Service.
We make this commitment because it reflects both the values of Jesus’ own ministry, and the call we share to ‘go and do likewise’. And with joy and diligence we continue that commitment, in the tradition of those who have served that same call before us. Around us, however, the world - and the care of those who share it - has become ever more complex.
In this last week of my leave, you may have become aware of two separate incidents occurring on the Cathedral premises which have threatened our ability to provide safe and suitable care for those in need. Both these incidents were precipitated by the same individual. As a result, the Cathedral Executive has enforced a trespass notice against this individual with immediate effect. This decision has not been lightly made. It has, however, been made with the conviction that this will best ensure the safety of our broader Cathedral community.
The following measures will therefore be in place from this Sunday 12th January onwards:
While these measures are not a solution to the wider challenges facing our society, they do help us ensure that the Cathedral will continue to be a safe space from which to serve God’s people. As we continue building partnerships with those providing more complex and comprehensive care than we alone can offer, let us also continue to hold in prayer all those in need, all those who work to support them, and all those who decide the policies which shape our common life.
Peace be with you.