Letter of Announcement re the Rev. Douglas Michael’s Appointment as Dean of Ontario, Rector of Kingston, and Incumbent of the Cathedral Church of St George
April 24, 2022 Dear members of St. George’s Cathedral: After an extensive national search, we as a Parish Search Advisory Committee are absolutely thrilled to announce the appointment of the Rev. Douglas Michael as the Dean of Ontario, Rector of Kingston, and Incumbent of the Cathedral Church of St. George. Doug Michael comes to us from All Saints Collingwood in the Diocese of Toronto, where he has been the Incumbent since 2013. He has served on the Diocese of Toronto Executive Board and also serves as the Regional Dean of Nottawasaga, a deanery of fifteen points situated to the north and west of Toronto, encompassing both rural and urban parishes.
Doug Michael was born in Cape Town, South Africa. He began his post secondary education in medicine, but eventually transferred to theology in preparation for the Priesthood. He graduated from Rhodes University in Grahamstown with a Bachelor’s Degree in Systematic Theology, and a Master’s Degree in Applied Ethics from the University of Witwatersrand. Doug was ordained to the Priesthood at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Johannesburg. Prior to moving to Canada in 2013, Doug served a number of parishes in the Diocese of Johannesburg, most recently as Rector of St. Thomas’ in the suburb of Linden, a large church with a weekly attendance of over 500 people.
Doug’s appointment is effective August 15th, 2022. Moving to Kingston with him are his wife, Vanessa, and their two teenage children, daughter Rebecca, and son Jason. In accepting the call to St. George’s, Doug had this to say: "Church, as I see it, is that space of healing, and inspiration, and celebration where the community of 'God with humanity' is made visible in the world. And I am very much looking forward to all the ways we will explore and nurture that space, in the heart of Kingston, together, in the years to come."
Welcoming Doug into the Diocese of Ontario, Bishop Michael Oulton had this to say: I am thrilled with the appointment of Rev Douglas Michael as your new Dean. We are making this announcement in the season of new beginnings. Easter, always the season of new beginnings, proclaims the joy of the resurrection and the first steps of the Mission to the World proclaimed in the Gospel of Christ. Rev Douglas, Vanessa and their children, Rebecca and Jason have just experienced the new beginning of becoming Canadian citizens this past March and now will be embarking on another new beginning as they join you in ministry at the Cathedral. The words of the angel to the women recorded in the Gospel of Mark are in my heart today: “He is going on ahead of you to Galilee, there you will see him, just as he told you.” Disciples of Christ are always about the next step, the next horizon, the next opportunity to share the Good News. You will be in my prayers as you prepare to welcome Rev Douglas and his family and for the next steps in the journey.
The search was conducted by the Parish Search Advisory Committee, comprising the Wardens and 5 additional parishioners of St. George’s, chaired by Susan Everett, with the guidance of The Most Reverend Colin Johnson, retired Bishop of Toronto and Metropolitan of Ontario (but with a strong St. George’s connection). In announcing the decision by the committee, Susan reflected: “Doug said in one of his sermons that he shared with us, “for the God of love…. whose fundamental essence is one of relationship.” Although this is only a snippet from a much longer sermon, I have learned from Doug that he is committed to knowing us as individuals and as a community. His warmth and humanity will be fully dedicated to our growth as a Christian community. I am very excited about Doug’s arrival and the opportunities ahead.”
After spending months on the search, all the members of the committee join me in our collective excitement over Doug’s appointment. We are convinced he is the right person at the right time for us at St. George’s, and look forward to welcoming Doug and his family to Kingston and as our new spiritual leader.
- Susan Everett, Chair, Parish Selection Advisory Committee, The Cathedral Church of St. George, Kingston, Ontario.